Matching Fund
We sometimes forget how important Masonic Charity is or how vital a role you play in it. We should all be proud of what we accomplish, a feat especially true for you, the lodge secretary, for your commitment to the process and keeps the programs working. Matching Funds provides lodges the ability to create meaningful change in our communities while demonstrating Masonry’s commitment charity and brotherhood.
Of all charities designed to help individuals in Oklahoma:
Masonic charity is the oldest existing nonprofit in the state of Oklahoma.
Masonic charity touches more lives than any other private philanthropy.
Masonic charity meets a wider range of needs than any other comparable organizations.
Masonic charity is available in more areas of the State than any other private foundation.
The Matching Funds Program provides your Lodge the opportunity to help meet the needs of your town and of non-Masons [Community Matching Funds] and the needs of members of the Masonic family [Promises Matter Matching Funds].
Thank you for your efforts to make Masonic compassion real in the lives of others.