Charitable endeavors have always been a pillar of freemasonry. Through the efforts of over 200 local Oklahoma Masonic Lodges and the Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma, millions of dollars in charitable assistance each year are invested into Oklahoma communities of every size. The Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma created the Masonry in Action Award to recognize lodges who participate in the Foundation’s charitable programs at an outstanding level. This year, lodges in Elgin and Owasso are recognized as outstanding stewards of their fraternal family members and local communities.

Members of Owasso Lodge #545 demonstrated their commitment to fraternal charity by partnering with the Owasso Fraternal Order of Police and Cops for Kids to provide funding for instrumental community programming. The lodge is an active supporter of the Foundation’s support for disadvantaged children and disbursed over $25,000 in charitable funds in the Owasso area during 2019. The lodge requested that its $5,000 Masonry in Action Award grant funds be presented to Cops for Kids, which provides programs such as Shop with a Cop and Trunk or Treat. “Our goal is to build good relationships with kids in the community,” says Travis Sellers president of both the Fraternal Order of Police and Cops for Kids, “With the funds provided by Owasso Lodge we can continue programs to build strong foundations in our community.”

Pilot Lodge #367 has a long and dedicated history of caring for members not only of their fraternal family but the community as well. In 2019, Pilot Lodge disbursed over $26,000 in charitable funds in their local communities. Pilot Lodge consistently participates in every charitable program offered by the Masonic Charity Foundation in an exemplary manner. The lodge chose to award their $5,000 in Masonry in Action Award funds to the Elgin Community Center and Elgin Public Schools Winter Wishes program. Winter Wishes was created, implemented, and run by students who seek to make the holidays brighter through charity. The Elgin Community Center provides much needed services to senior residents of Elgin, such as meals on wheels, exercise courses, tax services, and peer counseling.

Each year, Oklahoma masonic lodges contribute hours of volunteer labor and over $3 million to their local communities, regardless of size, across Oklahoma with the assistance of the Masonic Charity Foundation.

More information about Masonry in Action and the Masonic Charity Foundation may be found at and