Masonry means that promises matter. This financial assistance program is designed to help a distressed Master Mason, his widow, mother, or Masonic Orphan. Inherent to the teachings of Masonry are the concepts of philanthropy and community. As Masons or Eastern Stars we are taught in our lodges and chapters:
- To aid and assist our poor and distressed
- Charity is the distinguishing characteristic of Masons
- That we promulgate the principles of Brotherly Love and relief.
As chapter members we exemplify Electa’s distinction of charity. These duties are carried out both individually and through our lodges and chapters. Our local bodies are the closest organizations to our members and the most likely to know when a Brother or Sister is in need. It is important that all lodges and chapters continually monitor their membership through personal contact, committees, surveys, etc. This fraternal concern of our members never ceases. Our Brothers and Sisters in distress may have different needs, such as:
- A screen door repaired or a shelf replaced
- Assistance in shopping for groceries
- Transportation to the doctor
- Financial assistance
Promises Matter Grants are designed for Masonic members. We must never find ourselves feeling distant from those attached to the Masons. The financial assistance application must be discussed and approved at a stated meeting and then forwarded to the Masonic Charity Foundation. Please retain a copy for your records. The lodge or chapter is counted upon, as a normal course of their business, to conduct an adequate investigation of all the facts surrounding this request for assistance. This investigation must include a personal visit with both the member or his/her family. The lodge or chapter, as part of its fraternal commitment, is expected to provide what volunteer and financial assistance it can. Most needs are not financial. Many needs can be met by the local lodge or chapter sharing its time, talent, and its own financial resources with its member.